PPC Management Services in The San Francisco Bay Area
From all digital marketing services, one of the more flexible is perhaps Pay-Per-Click (PPC). Let us get in-depth about what it is by giving you perspective about it. Additionally, you will know the fine service Brimar will give you on PPC management in the San Francisco Bay Area and beyond.
What Are PPC Management Services?
Firstly, you must know what PPC actually is. PPC is a way to gain brand awareness and direct traffic to your website by paying a fee. Every time someone clicks on the ad you must pay, so you are getting charged only when the ad works.
If you want to know what PPC management services are, you can say it is specialized advertising. The PPC Management service is the best option for a company to manage how much they spend on these ads.
The services are always better performed by a digital marketing agency due to the experience required.

The digital agency is always monitoring and testing which ads work best. So the digital agency knows the keywords to use, the channel to show the ad and more. They also know how to use geographic and demographic data to make the most of the ad.
The Platforms We Work On
Pay per click in San Francisco Bay Area has a representative: Brimar. As such, we offer this service on many platforms to show the ads, which we will name later. The platform importance is high when you notice which channel works better on your business. The platforms are:
Google Shopping
Another Google-based platform we work is Google Shopping. As good as it is, we put the commercial benefits of this market to your brand’s service. Google Shopping allows your e-commerce to be more relevant. It also allows increasing the conversion rate due to the trust people have in Google.
Google Ads (Search & Display Network)
By using this platform, you warrant your ads are going to appear on the first results on Google’s SERP. Depending on factors we manage like the bidding for the keyword, your ad will appear on top of the search results. The services of PPC in San Francisco we offer are improved by this platform.
Bing Advertising
Bing is the search engine Microsoft created to compete with Google and others. Now, Bing has its own specialized platform to manage ads, and we can help your company to use it. Bing ads also appear on the Yahoo search engine, so it’s time to get on top of both.
YouTube Advertising
Google users go to YouTube whenever they want to learn to use something or to get a fair review. YouTube Ads allow you to appear on the screen of these people. It’s better to be YouTube’s suggestion when a video starts than to be ignored by not appearing on them.
Facebook Ads
If your digital marketing strategy is adapted to Facebook, then it is good news. We can manage your advertising on Facebook to generate traffic to your Facebook page. Also to lead people into a post of your choice. Facebook still has a bulk of the internet’s traffic. Think that.
Instagram Ads
Another direct approach strategy is to use Instagram Ads to get visits to your e-commerce. This platform analyzes location, segmentation, demographics, and even behaviors to show ads more efficiently. Some say Instagram is more popular than other social networks, but the truth is you can use it for your benefit.
LinkedIn Ads
This platform is more focused on business-to-business ads, so you can take advantage of it when reaching companies. If you know your targeted audience and you think LinkedIn can improve your marketing goals, let us handle it. We will find the more selected audience to get the clicks well-justified.
These concepts are virtually the same. Brimar, using these techniques will allow us to show the ads in an intended way to follow the users. So when a visitor leaves we will make sure to follow him to let him finish a non-completed process. These won’t be “stalker ads”, just will be the way PPC management in San Francisco works.
Brimar PPC Management Services in The San Francisco Bay Area
We talked about the platforms you can count on us to manage. Now let us talk about the services per se. These services cover the majority of needs according to what clients of PPC management in San Francisco have requested. So let’s see what we can do for you.
Monthly Campaign Performance Report
No digital marketing service would be completed without a monthly performance report. Here you can see the overall performance of the campaign.
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Firstly we will show you a summary to get you in the context of the situation this month. After that, the report will continue showing metrics, insights, behaviors, and costs of everything in detail.
The report will finish by showing projections on finances and a few advices for the future course of actions.
All the information on the report will be explicit and detailed to be as clear as possible.
Bid Management
By bidding, you can control the effectiveness of an ad. Depending on the bid your ad will appear higher on SERP and also raise the cost per click.
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So when our experts manage the bidding your budget is better spent and the resources bring more ROI.
On the other hand, you will not have to deal with technical words like quality score, CPA, CPM, CPC.
Since we are managing your PPC’s bidding you will know what is going on, whenever you want. At this point, you can see how careful we are and well-spend is your PPC investment.
Geo-targeting Improvements
No digital marketing planning is complete without considering the geographic details of the targeted audience. PPC management is not the exception.
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By adding the geo-targeting dimension to your PPC campaign you can see where ads are more and least efficient. That way you can think of the time zones to plan the strategy concordantly.
This is why we think of geo-targeting as a powerful ally. It’s not the same to show an ad when people are asleep than when they’re awake.
Location counts for us to leverage your advertisement. We use it to offer PPC management services in San Francisco Bay Area on most search engines.
Ad Copy Optimization & Testing
Testing is a way to optimize the usage of keywords on a PPC campaign. The goal is to know which keyword works best for reaching the conversion goals.
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The test considers characteristics like the device type and browser used by the customer and compares them to get insights.
We will pause those ads that do not perform well and focus on those that work. Part of our work is to analyze and compare if ad A is performing better than B.
Our objective here is to keep track of their performance over time. Always being careful while giving fine pay per click management services
Cost & Performance Analysis
For you to know how much you are spending and how the money is represented, we analyze and mold the data to find out what is going on.
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The analyzed metrics can give us a vision of how high is our revenue for clicks and more.
Let’s say it’s the clearest way to inform you how good your pay-per-click advertising management services are.
Ad Placement & Targeting Adjustments
Where you put all your efforts and budget can be deceiving. We know which website or platform will let you perform better with your ad.
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Previously you read we use platforms like Instagram Ads, Google Ads, and Bing Advertising. Now, depending on certain traits of your business and your product it may result better to think first.
And even when the product is a new invention never used before, we research before bidding. Brimar’s team is really careful with your invested money.
So with us, a hunch is not enough to select where to put an advertisement.
Keywords Management
Keywords are the cornerstone of digital marketing. When something appears on SERP or an ad takes place on a website is thanks to keywords.
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Keyword management is a service Brimar provides for maximizing the results of keywords. Hence, no keyword will be wasted or ignored.
Brimar will research, discover, analyze, select, group, and organize large bulks of keywords. That way we make sure to prioritize properly which keywords might work best.
However, we’ll test keywords to optimize the quality of the bidding and make the most of this essential element.
Landing Page Performance Review
The colors and shapes of the ads are indeed as important as the keywords used. But there is still one thing that many people forget to fix: landing pages.
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If a landing page is underperforming, websites visitors will immediately leave. This mistake is a drag when it remains unattended.
Luckily for you, Brimar takes landing pages seriously. We can give you a few hints on how to improve the experience of your landing page.
We can also give you a review of your present landing page so you know how we worked it.
Check-in Calls/Meetings
Keeping in touch with our clients is essential to a good understanding. That way the client can change a goal, or correct it on time.
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We want to keep cohesive with the commercial goal you are trying to reach.
Whether you want to set these meetings or calls daily or weekly, your company and Brimar can share feedback.
It is important to keep you updated, so as it is for us to keep improving on your goals.
The Benefits of PPC Marketing Services For Your Business
By this point, you have a better understanding of what pay-per-click management services are. Also, you might have an idea of how we work on PPC management in San Francisco. But to let you know why PPC marketing services are great for your business let us give you a list.
1. You only pay for what is used, or more exactly, for what is clicked: So when you use PPC you pay a fee so the platform shows your advertising. Once the precharged money is depleted, the ad will stop appearing on websites.
Then you must add more money to your account on the PPC platform to keep advertising. So you are not paying when the ad appears but when it gets clicked.
2. You will have perfect budget control: You can bid for a certain keyword at a high price, or you can do the opposite. When you have that kind of control over the budget, you can have great revenue regardless of how low the budget is. You control what to show, so add “when and where to show it” to maximize profit.
3. All ads in PPC have targeted ads: Every time a PPC advertisement appears has behind the research of keywords, demographic analysis, and more research. So every ad is intended to reach a specific audience, instead of appearing in front of everyone’s screens. It is better to be loved by few than seen by many.
4. PPC shows quicker results than organic traffic: Organic traffic sometimes takes weeks or months to put you on top of SERP. While PPC will let your advertisement appear on the first 3 to 5 options under certain search.
5. It gives a higher ROI: Due to how volatile it is, PPC brings better revenue than most digital efforts. If something is not performing as expected, it can change or disappear for the best.
What Else?
Pay per click in San Francisco Bay Area, and virtually everywhere, raise the visits counts. Leveraging your PPC efforts on SEO and geo-targeting and scheduling, you can get even better incomes. So you can not only push further your PPC with content but managing time and space as market variables.
Although it is easy to do, it is recommended to hire Brimar to do this job. That way you make the most of PPC and digital marketing to make goals reachable fast. Hire us to avoid the delay of the learning curve.
Why Should You Implement PPC Marketing With a Digital Marketing Agency?
There is a lot of reasons to let the professionals do the job. The first is perhaps the relief they bring to the idea of not having to learn specific terminology. Instead of learning a practically new language, focus on running your business and searching for new market opportunities.
Additionally, when you hire a professional PPC management the budget and expenses are virtually set on a pack. So there will be no bad surprises or wasted money due to some accounting mistake. Every economical aspect as previously detailed and studied to make the most of each cent.
Obviously, when you try to do something new, you must learn basic concepts right before even planning. By hiring experts this step is no longer necessary. The digital marketing agency knows what it takes to keep running all digital marketing tools like PPC.
On the other hand, hiring an agency is almost like automation. You set the goals, parameters, and other feats so the agency does the task as well as they can. One thing that you will get from companies is result analysis like reports and insights. Such things you will not get from an automated process.
Another reason to hire a digital marketing agency is how professional your final product looks. Agencies have the tools needed to perform any digital solution, and they know where to find the right resources.
This lets the final product look as professional as it can get, avoiding naive or rookie mistakes. So yes, it totally is convenient to hire professional help from a digital marketing agency like Brimar.
“Another reason to hire a digital marketing agency is how professional your final product looks. Agencies have the tools needed to perform any digital solution.”
How Much Do Our PPC Management Services in The San Francisco Bay Area Cost?
Here is what is supposed to be a sensitive subject for many companies: the cost. Nothing to worry about on this matter. Our prices for the first month are 700$ and the next months will be 500$. There is a small difference between “cheap” and “inexpensive”, and quality is that difference. Affordable PPC management does not mean “cheap services”.
There is no contract to sign with us on PPC. Instead, you will have our word that we are going to do what is needed to help you. In Brimar we believe that if you grow, we grow with you. We are so sure of our quality that you can cancel the deal with us whenever you want.
We know we can give you affordable, low-cost PPC management. We accept cash, credit card, debit card, and PayPal so it will be easy to deal with the payment. When talking about PPC campaign management services you better do not hire cheap PPC management.
Why You Must Choose Brimar as Your PPC Management Services Provider?
There are a number of reasons to choose Brimar. One of them is that we offer excellent search engine optimization solutions for any business, but there are more. To help you see (and consider) every reason, allow us to explain each one.
1. Laser-like focus
You will become our top priority until we reach your marketing and conversion goals. So when it comes to our job, results speak louder and clearer than any excuse. We do not like excuses.
2. Finest results
Your success is our success, so we will deal with your company’s PPC as our own PPC advertising. So you can expect nothing but the best possible outcome of our work.
3. Crystal clear processes
To avoid trust problems and credibility issues internet products might have, we like to be 100% transparent. That means that whenever you want to know how’s the process is going, we will show you.
4. No contracts and no problems
We believe in your word, and we expect you to believe in ours. You say you’ll hire us and we are going to perform so well that you will keep on hiring us. So we want to avoid locking you under contract. Instead, judge our work to see what is best for your brand’s PPC management.
5. Everything is measured with us
The only way to avoid deceiving is to show results. Therefore, we love to measure everything there is, to show you our impact on the traffic to your website. Everything will be compared and justified under the lenses of a responsible digital marketing agency.
FAQ – Learn More About Brimar’s PPC Management Services
How Much Should I Pay For PPC Management?
The price of the services may vary from one company to the other. So there is not a single fee for the PPC management service. But putting on a range of common prices, they go from 500$ per month to 5.000$ per month.
The general recommendation is to look for a responsible agency to avoid wasting time or money.
Is PPC Worth The Money?
Totally yes. The investment in PPC is quickly returned due to the fast results this type of ad provides. By using PPC your desired landing page will appear first on SERP, but in the ads area. So granting this visibility has a cost depending on the bidding for keywords. This money is well spent only if an expert manages the bidding and selection of keywords.
Additionally, a PPC can change as soon as possible if the goal is not where the effort is going. To summarize, PPC is worth the money only if it is managed by experts who keep the PPC campaign ranking on top and direct actions towards goals.
How Long Does it Take For PPC to Work?
In best cases, PPC works immediately showing increased visits to the landing page from day one. But to see full results it takes from 3 to 9 months. It is not the same thing to see something working in the process as to see it reaching its full potential.
Will My Target Customers Click On PPC Ads?
Short answer: Yes. However, as mentioned several times, it is necessary to match some requirements. First of all, you should see if the AdWords are well-selected, if not, goals will remain untouched.
Secondly, the audience must also be studied to know (if possible) what they are looking for. Finally, you should have on your PPC advertisement some call to action to ensure your customers click.