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is web development dying?

Many people nowadays wonder if is web development dying due to the fact that technology advances and replaces men. All that line of thought has a root and you need to see why people think so.

Why do People Think Web Development is Dying?

Nowadays, there are lots of youtube tutorials and more to show you how to do practically anything. From baking a cake to programming. This unfounded rumor of the death of web development is a big misunderstanding and here is why.

Studying takes time. No matter how good you are at something, acquiring your basic knowledge to work on something takes lots of time. With enough preparation, you can cover one subject or the other, but you won’t master it in a short time.

Now, if you are interested in learning to program you must face the truth: it is hard. It is simple just for a bunch of people. But that does not grant you a nice website. It is the job of a web developer. A person dedicated to developing, designing, and making a functional website.

Nevertheless, if you are short of budget, and you want a small personal website try it by yourself. But if you are giving image and presence to your brand, stop doing it by yourself. Hire professional help. That is the smartest investment you can do.

Web development is not dying, it is evolving into something else. It is natural to think web development is seeing its final days because maybe you don’t know the business. But it is a matter of evolution, changes, and many factors replacing others. 

It is important to consider how the business itself changed thanks to how easy getting information is today.

Everyone is looking for a chance to prove their worth in first-time jobs. For companies, it’s a matter of luck to find someone who works professionally outside a digital agency.

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High Demand VS High Quality

There is another strong reason to think web development is dying. There are lots of freelancers up to build your website for lower and lower prices. Is that a good option? If you consider yourself lucky, you may find a responsible developer to work with.

However, a freelancer works today on your website, and next year you do not know where they might be. That uncertainty discourages people from hiring a web developer for a website. Digital agencies are the right people for a great job done.

In a high demanded market, websites lower expectations, and therefore the web developing business. If a company needs a fine website, then hiring a fine programmer is the right thing to do, right? Sometimes you need a company to understand a company.

A high-quality website is not only to navigate on a computer. Thanks to advances in computer sciences and web services, all webs must have responsive design. It allows ease of navigation on any device you want from laptops to tablets and smartphones.

Therefore, the right thing to do is to let a digital agency do your website. Even more, if your website is meant to capture clients then you definitely need a digital agency. They usually have more than just a web development service.

Web Development is Changing Not Dying

As said before, web development is evolving. Programmers and developers worked for years to give the tools to almost everyone to make their own web. There are online tools like WordPress that allow making a decent website just by setting up some parameters.

That ease of making websites allows a marketing manager to think that web development is a waste of resources. Do you know which is the best hosting service and how to set WordPress in it? What colors favor your brand? What domain should it have?

As you can see, there are many factors that make you think of something you have never probably heard of. And here we didn’t talk yet about responsive designs and more. Still, the main change in the last ten years of web development is how easy making a web is. 

Nowadays, in 2021, there are lots of friendly interfaces, programs, and even phone apps to help you “program”. This “programming” is far from solving all the needs of a brand but is good to inspire. Then you will know what type of website you want.

If you didn’t know, there is a thing called e-commerce and it is essential for product selling companies. Do you know how to build one? How to manage the settings? How specifically do you want this site to be? Most people don’t know the answers. 

To summarize, web development passed in a few years from being a generic job to a specific one. Today’s web development relies on the specificity of the task required, for hiring one expert or the other. It went from being “encrypted”, to be popular and “easy” to do.

So if you still wonder if is web development “dying” there are 5 powerful reasons to quit thinking that.

Why Do You Need to Implement Web Development ASAP in Your Business?

Now that you know if is web development dying, it is recommended to get on it as soon as possible. Here are 5 reasons to help you visualize why you need to implement it right now.

Reason #1: Mobile Traffic

A big number of visits to a website come from mobile devices and not from computers. Digital agencies know that and they don’t work on static websites anymore. In fact, they try to customize as much as possible mobile navigation, making even apps in some cases.

You can try to build a responsive website using tools like WordPress, but they are not good enough. There’re plugins and widgets you can try, but none will be as accurate as the one done by a developer. No tool is a match today for the web developer experience and taste.

Mobile traffic, even not taking tablets in the count, is over 50% of the total traffic on webs. More exactly, they represent 54.8% just in the first quarter of 2021. Since 2017 the percentage is around 50%. Do you now get an idea of how important mobile traffic is?

Traffic must be best managed for sites like e-commerces or digital forms for different types of businesses. As said before, no do-it-yourself tool can focus on a granular level on what your website might need. At least not for mobile forms. 

Reason #2: Brand Recognition

Consistency is a great way to get a brand on people’s minds forever. It is a matter of keeping the same identity throughout all the devices and channels people find a brand. So colors, logos, and fonts are the ones to tell people “that is my brand”.

Besides responsively designed webs, there must be a need for some companies to have specific tools and feats.

Some tools must be a landing page for mobile devices with forms, and some are games on the same page. Only web developers can keep it all under the same visual identity.

The sooner you have this specific tool online, the faster you will see it working. If this tool needs an update or an improvement, it’s the duty of the developer to take care of it. Only an expert developer can successfully bond your website with this tool for all devices.

This well-executed job will show everyone how much you care for your company. Then they will start seeing you either as a reliable brand or as a valuable partner.

So Web development won’t only allow selling more but to find commercial alliances and good partnerships in the business.

Reason #3: Professional Engagement

Professional branding leads to deep engagement from your customers and even some visitors. Speaking about engagement, it is a matter of how customer-friendly the web and overall services are. When a visitor is happy with your product, he will preach about it.

The word professional has many interpretations. The most acknowledged is “knowing what you are doing”, and professional engagement is only achieved by professional people. It means, hiring an agency that knows which the best practices are. This impacts immediately.

Having on your work team someone in charge of web development allows making changes on demand. This is especially good when your marketing has a lot of suggestions to improve your site in a short time. Most developers work fast and accurately under the right directive.

Additionally, web developers know where to set the code in the website for keeping track of metrics. Some services like Google Analytics require putting a tracking code on some sites to analyze them. To make the best reading of your visitor’s intention, this is a must-do.

Therefore, having professional web developers grants the right measure of metrics, and more. Also grants that on every part of your web everything will work as expected. When something goes wrong developers will fix the bug ASAP.

Reason #4: Great SEO

Having a web developer on your side is not only good for your web’s functionality, but for your online positioning. What does it mean? It means that every search engine will count your website only if it works fine. Let us explain it better.

SEO is a technique used to appear first on the search engine’s result page (SERP). The word SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization and means to improve your web’s performance to appear on top.

A well-programmed website has many traits right. Traits that search engines evaluate to show first the best results. These are:

  • Loading speed
  • User-friendliness

All of those elements are easily considered by the developer when making the website. For sure, a web developer helps to improve SEO.

Reason #5: Saves Time, Money, And Frustration

With the number of web apps that can help you make a website, you think you can try it. It’s like thinking “Hey! I got hands and I know how to paint. I‘ll paint my car to save money”. In both cases, by trying to save money, the result is a disaster.

Another usual thinking is “a web designer is ok for everything”. It might be true at the beginning when you want just a good-looking website. But after some time you will realize you’ll need more feats and elements like mentioned before (in Reason #4).

On the other hand, trying to program a website by yourself is a frustrating process. Lots of tries and errors will discourage you soon, especially without a teacher by you. Add on top of that you need to run your own business. More frustration through delays and failures.

However, implementing web development with a professional developer or digital agency will save you time, money, and frustration.

Invest in web development if you really want to take care of your brand’s image. You can differentiate companies using a developer from those who aren’t.

Being bold in business does not mean taking risks blindly. It means to make the right investments in important things, at the right time.

web developers building a website

So, Is Web Development “Really” Dying?

Is web development dying? The short answer is: No!

The proper term is “evolving”. With the popularization of mobile devices, web browsing and navigation didn’t end. It brought a new way for websites to adapt to the public they intended to reach. It did not die, it transformed the old ways into new ones.

Web development will remain the best option to give personal touches to your website. So web developers will have work to do for the years to come.

Maybe some of them will adapt to new technologies to come. It (web development) is an essential way to improve your digital efforts.

Get The Best Web Development Services With Brimar Online Marketing

Brimar has professional people to perform any kind of job, regardless of how difficult it might look. We have experience and tools to satisfy even the most exigent requests in a short time and with care. We treat your brand and company as if it was ours.

In addition to the web development services, we have a palette of other services to complement that service. They go from SEO to Web design and virtually cover every marketing need

Our top goal is to watch your brand evolve and grow until it gets to the top of your business. We have both the well and the tools, as well as the people to help your aspirations come true. Let us help you. You deserve to be on top. Together we can make it happen.

We Have Delivered High Quality Websites and Our Customers Are HAPPY!

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