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Content Marketing For Business

Content marketing is a type of marketing that involves writing and sharing online content like blogs, newsletters, podcasts, e-books / white papers, and emails.

The purpose is to attract as many audiences as possible to your product, service, or brand, and give quality content to provide solutions to people’s problems.

Unlike other marketing techniques, content marketing is implicit – meaning that it doesn’t necessarily scream the CTA (aka call-to-action) for customers to buy a product.

But, it gains it through providing useful insights for a topic that people tend to interact with more often.

In such a way, customers get quality thoughts and entertainment, while businesses get a chance to attract customers to their products or services.

In this post, we will discuss content marketing techniques other than blogging and explore their possibilities and technicalities. Let us start by telling you why you should go beyond blogging.

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Why Should You Adopt Marketing Methods Other Than Blogging?

Content marketing for business

In today’s era, you should also explore parallel ways of content marketing to elevate your business to the next level.

We are not saying that you stop blogging altogether (as it has its loyal audience) but also invest resources in other marketing techniques.

This is because, during the past few decades, the content people want to consume has changed a lot.

Many don’t have a lot of time to read, so they listen to podcasts, while some professionals tend to check more emails than blogs. And some simply prefer white paper literature more than any other source of information.

Thus, it is necessary to tap into the diversified fields of content to increase your chances of spreading the word – to maximize your sources of marketing and, hopefully, more sales.

What Are Some Content Marketing Techniques Other Than Blogging?

There are many other content marketing techniques that you can use other than blogging. We will discuss them one by one in detail.

1. Emailing

email marketing.

Emailing is the digital form of mail.
You can write bi-weekly, weekly, or monthly emails to your audiences addressing them directly without any involvement of a third party.

This will allow you a chance to connect with your audience and let you share your personal/emotional journey with them. Besides this, you can fully express your thoughts and opinions as well.

Our pro tip is to pour your heart out. This way, people will surely connect with your words and comply with the implied CTA you mention there.

2. Creating and Sending Newsletters.

sending newsletters

Newsletters are news or updates about current events or the ones that might occur in the future.

They are either sent or distributed through physical means (printed form), or digital means like emails. Thus, they are under the umbrella of email marketing.

Newsletters are a one-off communication in which you deliver your customers an update message without requiring a reply from them.

Newsletters are another strong method of marketing content. You can use them to update your audiences about your products or services or to tell them about an organizational change (if any) that you are undergoing with your business.

Unlike promotional emails, newsletters are written in a highly formal tone delivering the message directly with no heartfelt emotions or personal anecdotes. Thus, you might need to rework your tone in existing content pieces for your newsletters.

You can do so by rewording your words to sound more professional. This must be done as your email is no longer a poetic piece of work, but a professional document that needs delivering as such.

However, if you are finding it difficult to rephrase or redirect your work manually, you can always get help from an online rewording tool. Most tools are now based on AI engines, which can predict a set of synonyms and change words according to a professional setting.

This also makes your tone accurate for content delivery without any miscommunication or misinterpretation of the message.

Let us show you what we mean:

creating a newsletter

Thus, the emphasis of newsletters is on delivering the message with a formal tone without carrying any emotional biases.

3. Publishing E-Books And White Papers

ebooks and whitepapers

E-books, or physical books, are considered white papers as a majority of them come from certified publications.

White papers contain detailed documentation or discussion about a research topic.

They dissect minute details of the well-known problem and try to devise solutions for it.

As e-books and white papers are pre-internet, they’re even more ancient and credible sources of information than blogs. Many people still prefer reading them, so use this audience to achieve your business goals.

Look to utilize books as a source of content marketing by applying these few tips:

  • Paid Advertisement: Hard copies of the published books have advertised content on their book covers. Use this space to advertise your content and gain more potential customers. The same applies to e-books, where you can show advertisements to pull traffic to your online platform.
  • Provide add-ons: Provide some sort of add-on value with your books. A case in point would be the “Practice” book by Cambridge. They provide an attached CD (compact disk) with a hard copy of their book. Providing add-ons ensures that you re-link your audience from the hard material back to your digital ecosystem. This way, you can keep your audiences engaged with your material, hence, improving your business.

4. Podcasts


Last but not least, look to market your content through podcasts.
Podcasts are detailed discussions on a certain topic or range of topics. They generally involve multiple people debating to form a consensus on a topic or reach an ‘agree-to-disagree’ stance.

They are usually long videos but are also available as audio, or ‘listenable’ on a lot of platforms.

The reason for podcast’s recent popularity is their convenience. They provide a hands-free experience where listeners can tune in while doing their job or performing any other leisure activity.

Thus, you should either invest in making a podcast show with famous guests, or partner up with show-casters to give you shout-outs or mentions about your brand, services, or products in their show.


In the end, it is all about your ability to explore the options that we discussed in this post.

The world is wide-open and you are the one who has to capitalize on the opportunities.

Some of the options we discussed beyond blogging were: Emailing, Newsletters, E-books, and Podcasts.

You should try to invest in them and take your business to new heights.

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