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How to increase organic traffic to your website

It is a common goal for any business or individual who wishes to develop an online brand to grow the number of organic visitors to their site.

This is so because organic traffic, which is traffic from Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs), is people seeking information, products, or services and thus are potential customers of your business.

This is where businesses need to understand and apply the following SEO techniques: quality content creation, link building, and continuous optimization.

Optimize Your Website for Search Engines

SEO is the essential tool that helps your website get the right traffic from the various search engines.

It is one of the marketing disciplines that deals with making the content, appearance, and overall presence of your site on the web in a manner that makes it easy for the search engines to find and rank it high.

It goes beyond the keyword research process, where tools such as the Google Keyword Planner, SEMrush, or Ahrefs can assist you in identifying low-competition and high-traffic keywords relevant to your business.

Regarding proper SEO, all aspects of on-page SEO and technical optimization should be well implemented.

On-page SEO often helps to optimize specific web pages for better search engine results.

This implies incorporating target keywords in the meta title and descriptions, appropriately structuring the URLs, and presenting the content in an orderly format using header tags such as H1, H2, and H3.

Technical SEO means that your website works seamlessly on all technical levels:

Reliability and usability, especially for mobile devices, are becoming crucial as more and more people use their phones to search for information, generate and update, and break link quick fixes.

These technical optimizations undoubtedly enhance usability but, at the same time, meet the search engines’ preferences for websites that are fast, easily accessible, well-structured, and easy to navigate and index.

Keyword research lays the foundational blocks by stipulating strategic keywords and on-page and technical SEO strategies simultaneously optimizing your website’s content and technical framework.

This will help boost its visibility in search engines and drive traffic organically over time.

This will provide you with better opportunities to rank your website while improving the general user experience for a more likely conversion of visitors to become customers or subscribers.

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Create High-Quality, Relevant Content

Content is king in SEO and significantly affects any website’s ranking.

You should create quality content related to your target audience’s goals or preferences to drive more traffic to your site.

During this process, website analytics come in handy to enable you to see which type of content is popular, how much time the visitors spend on the site, and which pages are doing better or worse.

Focus on the following:

  • Blogging: Writing quality blog posts regularly can also help you target some keywords. Blogs also allow you to create interlinking opportunities, interact with your audience, and claim expertise in your field.
  • Evergreen Content: Work on content that will not be outdated at some point in the future; your content should always be relevant. Many types of effective and evergreen content, such as guides and tutorials, lists, and other similar articles, will still generate traffic when a few months have passed since its publication date.
  • Visuals: You can add value to your content by embedding images, infographics, videos, and other forms of media. This will make the pages more interesting and give you a greater chance of showing up in image or video search results.
  • Content-Length: Researchers have found that at least a thousand words long content does better in search engines. Try to make articles that are as informative as possible and provide information about a particular subject.

Build High-Quality Backlinks

Backlinks are links users use to navigate from one website to another, such as the targeted website.

SEO is very much dependent on such factors.

In the sight of search engines, backlinks can be seen as one of the most critical factors in determining the reliability of your content.

Simply put, the sheer number of backlinks and their origin will paint your site as more authoritative.

Here are some practical ways to get backlinks:

  • Guest Blogging: You should contribute to other credible blogs and forums in your field. It is also advisable to place a link back to your website either in the author bio or within the content you write.
  • Create Shareable Content: Create fresh material, research, graphics, and other formats in which others will be interested to provide links. When the content that you put out is valuable, other sites will tend to link to it.
  • Engage in Outreach: Engage your niche’s websites, bloggers, and influencers to share your content. If you have something that you think is valuable, then they might be willing to link to your site.

Another method that can help improve your SEO is social media engagement.

Post your content on your Facebook, X, LinkedIn, and Instagram pages; comment and like posts; join groups and follow leading industry personalities.

Currently, the signals from social media are becoming more and more valuable for optimizing the website, as they indicate to the search engines that people are discussing and sharing the content.

Promote your content on social media platforms; this way, the viewers will easily share your various articles, interactive images, and videos on their respective social media platforms.

It is a fact that this will assist in sharing your content with many viewers and may lead to increased backlinks to your website.

However, socially shared content performs better since it integrates the social media platforms into your SEO plan.

Optimize for Mobile and User Experience (UX)

After performing a given search, most users continue searching for something else on their mobile devices, meaning your site must be mobile-friendly.

Google also has mobile-first indexing, which ranks the sites according to the mobile version.

Here’s what you can do:

  • Responsive Design: Ensure that the changes that you make on your website are compatible with all the screen sizes. Ensure the design is as good as the desktop version and employ responsive design techniques.
  • Improve Site Speed: If your page is slow loading, visitors will leave the page, and this will, in turn, affect your search engine optimization.
    Minimise images, ensure that you enable caching for your pages, and use a CDN to improve the website’s loading time.
  • Enhance Navigation: Make sure that the site is easy to use and the visitors can easily find what they are looking for within the site. Hence, the simplicity of the navigation bar design ensures that the bounce rate is low as the chances of conversion are high.


To develop a plan to boost the organic traffic to your site, you need to think about doing SEO, creating content, building links, and improving the user experience.

If you put these approaches into action and keep an eye on the results now and then, they will help increase organic traffic to your website so you can reach your online goals.

One thing should be clear: SEO is a marathon, not a sprint, and it needs consistency and the ability to adapt to be effective in the long run.

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